Monday, May 18, 2009

Dear God,

As I kneel to pray, I wish all pain and grief dissappears from our lives. I pray that time flies by fast and happy days shower laughter on us again. I pray that hearts meet in agreement and differences dissolve forever. Let all of us feel warm, important and taken care of. Keep our health good and help us have faith in ourselves. Show us the light of truth and hold us when we feel betrayed. Give us the patience to withstand and the courage to face any adversity, any grief. Give us the sensitivity and sensibility to understand our loved ones around us. Reinforce our faith. You know You can set many things right and I know You will. I know You want to test my faith and I assure You I will not let You down. I will pray to You till You are satisfied to see how much I trust You. I love You God. I really do.

Lots of warm love,


krist0ph3r said...

you "wish all pain and grief dissappears from our lives"

you pray for too much. prepare to be disappointed.

Meghna Bhujwala said...

I have had hundreds of days in my life wherein neither my loved ones nor I have any kind of pain nor grief! C'mon life is not always crappy! Cheer up!

Besides I believe All Mighty doesn't dissapoint anyone :)